Economy February 21, 2018 | 3:37 pm

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Business leader slams Medina’s political favors


Santo Domingo.- Business leader Marisol Vicens on Tuesday said the electricity sector is still being used to grant political favors.

“The electric sector is being used again to make political appointments; that’s a bad signal and especially in the run-up to the signing of the Electricity Pact, it’s how the electric sector is visualized, it’s just a sector to occupy political posts,” she said.

Vincens stressed that the problem of government spending is reflected when many agencies designate people “who don’t have any technical profile, who don’t have any of the capabilities we should need in sectors as important as electricity and which are still treated simply as a political fortresses which are handed over to any political party.”

She noted that that part of the expense is also reflected on the decrees and the number of posts, and on the number of institutions that don’t have any function. “There was a movement of pieces in the health sector and what we expect is that they can continue to meet the health sector’s objectives.”

Vicens’s remarks came after president Danilo Medina named veteran politico Rafael Suberví Bonilla to head of the Hydroelectric Electricity Utility (EGEHID), despite having no experience in that sector.

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