Economy February 22, 2018 | 3:48 pm

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Exporters want Dominican rum as a country brand now

Santo Domingo.- Dominican Exporters Association (ADOEXPO) president Álvaro Sousa on Thurs. called for an expeditious solution to provide Dominican rum a Denomination of Origin in the hands of the Dominican Rum Producers Association (ADOPRON), so that the domestic spirit continues its growth among the 10 main national export items, after a 10% jump posted in 2017.

The business leader referred to ADOPRON’s statements in the heels of the rejection by the National Industrial Property Office (ONAPI), and after an administrative process that began in 2013, seeking to register Dominican Rum Denomination of Origin.

“For us ONAPI’s decision is painful, because Dominican rum is a star product of Dominican exports and it’s necessary to have control over the use of the ‘Ron Dominicano’ brand,” Sousa said. “This product has been able to conquer many international markets.”

“Dominican rum is recognized for its quality, it’s exported to multiple destinations around the world and it’s imminent to have a Dominican Rum Denomination of Origin that allows us to continue the export expansion plans for this important product.”

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