Economy February 22, 2018 | 7:28 pm

Buy car in DR

Medina cuts ribbon on 14-kilometer highway, 400 meter bridge

Padre Las Casas bridge. Photo

Padre las Casas, Dominican Republic.- President Danilo Medina on Thur. cut the ribbon on the 14-kilometer Padre Las Casas-Guayabal highway that links 22 villages and a 400-meter long bridge, one of the country’s five longest.

The bridge links Padre as Casas with nearly a dozen communities which produce a range of crops, especially beans..

In the keynote speech Public Works minister Gonzalo Castillo said the bridge, like other projects developed in this area, in addition to connecting the people and developing infrastructure, will allow local farmers to to take their crops quickly and safely to market.

He said the road provides an access to the Central Mountain Range, and solves the problem they face when washed out roas cut them off from the rest of the region.

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