Swells flood Puerto Plata Airport perimeter but operations normal

Swells flood Puerto Plata Airport perimeter but operations normal Puerto Plata.- As of late afternoon Monday, the high Atlantic swells from a powerful low pressure system have flooded the entire perimeter of the runway at Puerto Plata's Luperón International Airport.. Airport terminal authorities and the airlines took measures which despite the threat of more severe flooding have allowed normal operations to continue. The National Weather Office (ONAMET) continues its severe weather alert, and issued warnings to swimmers and for small craft to remain at pott along the Atlantic coast. Photo http://periodicoelfaro.com.do
Puerto Plata.- As of late afternoon Monday, the high Atlantic swells from a powerful low pressure system have flooded the entire perimeter of the runway at Puerto Plata’s Luperón International Airport.
Airport terminal authorities and the airlines took measures which despite the threat of more severe flooding have allowed normal operations to continue.
The National Weather Office (ONAMET) continues its severe weather alert, and issued warnings to swimmers and for small craft to remain at pott along the Atlantic coast.