Economy April 9, 2018 | 2:57 pm

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Medina’s pledge boosts a booming mango market

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Bani, Dominican Republic .- President Danilo Medina on Sun. promised to build a packing plant for mango growers in Baní, southern Peravia province, focused on gender and environmental sustainability, and working capital for export and local marketing.

Medina met with the 162 members of the Mango Producers Association (Abapromango) during an unannounced visit.

In a statement, the Presidency said the project will improve the income of Abapromango’s small and medium-sized growers and insert them into agribusiness. “The Association will be strengthened and the trade of mango production will be dignified.”

To start the proposal aims to market 535,500 boxes of 5 kilos, with 40% abroad and 60% locally.

Agricultural Development Fund (FEDA), director José Casimiro Ramos, said the beneficiaries will export 214,200 boxes of 5 kilos of mango, which he affirms will generate RD$70.0 million.

At present, the​​ country’s mango plantations are on 6,300 hectares, spread among 1,600 organized sites.

The south is home to the biggest mango plantations, where Peravia, San Cristóbal, Azua, San Juan, Barahona and Neyba alone account for over 85% of the total growth area.

The Dominican Republic boasts over 200 mango varieties of which 60% are Keitt, with a normal harvest period from March to August.

Exports go mostly to England, followed by Germany, France and the United States.

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