Environment renews pact to co-manage Valle Nuevo National Park

Valle Nuevo National Park sign. photoEL LECTOR RD
Santo Domingo.- The Environment Ministry and 10 other entities on Mon. reaffirmed their commitment “for the management and administration of the Valle Nuevo National Park.”
Environment minister Francisco Domínguez and the members of the Co-Management Council signed the co-management agreement, as a mechanism in to take part in the planning, management and monitoring of the protected area.
They must also mediate before social conflicts that arise in the protected area, promote the development of the potentialities of the park and secure its financial self-sustainability, in accordance with the guidelines of the Management Plan of the protected area; and prepare the annual budget.
Environment said the annual budget is based on projections of collections for charging entry to the protected area as defined by the Ministry.
The agreement will last 10 years
Entities in the Council
The Environment Ministry, Propagas Foundation, the Moscoso Puello Foundation, the National Museum of National History, The Nature Conservancy, the Botanical Garden, the San José de Ocoa Development Association, the Constanza Environmental Council, the Sur Futuro Foundation and Mr. Rafael Collado as representatives of Constanza township and La Vega province, amon others.