Economy May 9, 2018 | 12:37 pm

Buy car in DR

Retail, industry the best investments, as US$3.9B show

N. Toca

Santo Domingo.- Industry and Commerce minister Nelson Toca Simó on Tues. said Dominican Republic’s best sectors to invest in are retail and industry the best investments,with US$3.9 billion from 2010 to 2016, or 23.9 % of the total.

The official also cited services, film production, telecoms and mining as sectors that “offer better opportunities to invest.”

Toca also mentioned tourism, agro-industry and energy as investment-friendly sectors.

He said the Government works together with the private sector to boost exports and investment, and achieve productivity, trade growth and job creation.

“We reiterate that working together, government institutions and the private sector will promote export and investment in a strategic manner, focused on productivity, commercial growth and the generation of more jobs,” Toca said in the American Chamber of Commerce to mark the start of Dominican Week in Washington.

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