CAFTA-DR Environmental Council meets in the country Wed.

Press Release
Santo Domingo. – The Environmental Affairs Council (EAC) of the Dominican Republic-Central America-United States Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR) will hold its 12th session on June 20 and 21 in Santo Domingo, during which the pact countries will review the progress in the implementation of the DR-CAFTA Environmental Chapter and the Agreement on Environmental Cooperation.
Civil society, representatives of non-governmental and international organizations, the private sector, academia and the general public are invited to participate in the public consultation to be held on Thursday the 21st at 10:00 a.m. at the Hotel Intercontinental Real Churchill Hall,.
“They will examine the improvements achieved, the role of environmental tribunals and how they facilitate environmental compliance, in addition to sharing information and exchanging opinions on the implementation of Chapter 17 and the Environmental Cooperation Program,” the organizers said in a statement.
Environment minister Ángel Estévez and State Dept. Environmental, Oceans and Scientific Affairs Office deputy secretary Judith Garber will participate in the event.