Dominican embassies, conulates to get down to business
Dominican embassy, London
Santo Domingo.- Miguel Vargas on Tues. appointed 17 managers of business sections in Dominican embassies or consulates, in as many countries, “to promote exports, attract foreign investment and international cooperation.”
He said although the commercial attaché’s will do additional work to what they already have, the new function will not imply a higher budget.
“Fortunately, it doesn’t entail any additional expenses, because they are already accredited abroad, in addition to those that have the function of commercial aggregate without a larger budget, within their salary…,” Vargas said.
At the activity attended by top business leaders, Vargas said the personnel chosen passed all the tests and parameters, including private sector observations.
A press release lists the countries where the attachés will be assigned: Austria, Spain, Arab Emirates, Mexico, Guatemala, Cuba, Germany, Argentina, Israel, France, New York, Aruba, Sao Paulo, Brazil; Curacao, Saint Maarten and Genoa, Italy.