Economy July 11, 2018 | 5:12 pm

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Popular bank, best place to work in a 6th straight year


Santo Domingo.- The Banco Popular Dominicano was selected as the country’s best company to work in for the sixth consecutive year, according to the financial magazine Mercado.

The publication’s latest edition labels Popular as “a total star” in human management,” and stresses its status as the country’s second biggest financial sector employer and third overall, as well as a leader in the creation of jobs for women.

Mercado also notes that Popular was the second biggest company in number of overall job promotions last year, and third in first-line positions and first in promoting middle management positions.

Moreover, the publication highlights Popular’s leadership in training time, with over 1.1 million hours per year, and second in the number of trained employees and average training hours per employee.

“It’s important to emphasize its programs to strengthen the business culture, the development of personal leadership skills and digital skills or the reinforcement of technical skills, among others,” the magazine adds.

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