Price freeze on gasoline, regular diesel and LPG

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Santo Domingo.- The Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Small and Medium Sized Companies has maintained the same prices as last week on gasoline, regular diesel and Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) and certain other fuels for the week of August 4-10th, 2018.
Premium gasoline remains at RD$241.30 per gallon, regular gas at RD$226.20 and regular diesel at RD$184.50.
Optimum diesel, however, will cost RD$199.60 per gallon, up per RD$1.00, avtur aircraft fuel is RD$150.90 – an increase of RD$2.00 – and kerosene costs RD$178.30, also increased by RD$2.00.
Fuel oil remains at RD$125.85 per gallon, Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) is being sold at RD$123.30 and a cubic meter of Natural Gas is RD$28.97, at the same levels as last week.
The average exchange rate used to calculate the prices is RD$49.73 – US$1.00, according to a survey by the Central Bank.