Economy August 6, 2018 | 12:08 pm

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New Metro line a relief for 850,000 Santo Domingo Este commuters

President Danilo Medina tours a station. Photo

Santo Domingo.- With its four stations the Santo Domingo Metro Line 2B, the new mass transit system, will be inaugurated at 5pm Wednesday in Santo Domingo Este.

The new stations have access for the disabled and will benefit around 850,000 commuters of the eastern part of Greater Santo Domingo.

This line will transport around 150,000 passengers daily and will ply a 3.6-kilometer route in 7 to 8 minutes.

Some 120 new employees will also work directly in maintenance and operations.

Transport Reform Office (OPRET) director Manuel Antonio Saleta, said several trains of three wagons will join those already operating in Lines 1 and 2.

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