Economy October 4, 2018 | 4:33 pm

Buy car in DR

Sale of gasoline, propane in same station a ‘time bomb’

Deadly propane fire at Los Rios. Photo

Santo Domingo.-  The National Consumer Rights Defense Council (Conadeco), Human Rights representatives and community leaders on Thurs. reiterated their rejection to the sale of propane gas in gasoline stations.

Conadeco president Sandino Bisonó called said the sale of combined fuels a “time bomb,” since in his view there are no technical conditions or security measures to do so in the country.

The situation prompted Conadeco to submit a demand before the Industry and Commerce Ministry, to reject permits for the mixed sale.

He noted that the mixed sale would violate all existing regulations, because he affirms that there are no legitimate conditions.

“The people don’t want that because the gas stations are located in the city where thousands of families live and that would represent a time bomb for the population”

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