Economy October 9, 2018 | 7:32 am

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Power plant outages will ‘stress’ the system (blackouts)

R. del Carmen

Santo Domingo.-  Electricity distributor utility administrator Edesur, Radhamés Del Carmen, on Mon. said as of yesterday and until October 15 there will be the sharpest drop in the grid, of 100 megawatts of the San Pedro Power Company (CESPM), which will undergo major maintenance.

He said the projection includes maintenance on the Barahona power plant that would coincide. “It will be the greatest stress (drop in the system) until the 15th.”

He said, however, that it was possible to turn on the San Felipe plants in Puerto Plata and the Turbo Gas de Haina, which he acknowledges generate at a very high cost for the system. “But the Government of President Danilo Medina has decided to cover those costs and give energy to the Dominican population.”

He called good news that the leading plant, AES, is generating 110 megawatts, of its 300-megawatt capacity, “which is a relief.”

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