Biggest power company says 120 MW recovery sets record

Backup APR power plants at AES Andres
Santo Domingo.- The AES Dominicana energy group on Mon. said that it installed four natural gas-fueled emergency generators on October 31, which will supply up to 120 megawatts, “thus fulfilling this second phase of the capacity recovery plan of the AES Andrés thermal power plant.”
It said the 4 units entered the national grid online last Saturday, after concluding the corresponding regulatory and administrative procedures, in coordination and with the sector’s authorities.
“With the start-up of these units, the capacity of generator AES Andrés of 300 megawatts is recovered by 80%. The entry of these emergency units will contribute to the efficient supply of energy and will reduce the prices of the spot market between 12 and 16 dollars per megawatt hour,” AES said in an emailed statement.
It said it’s satisfied with the authorities’ cooperation to bring and install in a record time of 30 days the emergency units that will provide the system with a gross capacity of 135MW based on natural gas; “which at the end of the trial period, will bring the total capacity of AES Andrés to 255 MW, in a time as important for everyone as Christmas.”
Moreover, AES said it’s focused on working hard in phase 3 of the recovery plan, to bring this capacity available up to 300MW within the established schedule, by the beginning of February 2019. ”
NYC meeting
The country’s biggest power company noted that during a September 26meeting in New York City, AES executives presented to president Danilo Medina and sector authorities, its Recovery Plan for the AES Andrés power plant, “which contemplates that by February 2019, up to 300 megawatts can be injected through a combination of generation solutions.”
“The 300 MW will be achieved gradually with the commissioning of the gas turbine that currently generates between 135 and 150 MW, the 120 MW of APR Energy as an emergency solution for December this year, and about 80 MW remaining would enter in February of 2019.”