Economy January 10, 2019 | 3:54 pm

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Top official denies ruffled feathers in US-DR ties

Nicolas Maduro, Danilo Medina. File

Santo Domingo.- Administrative minister, José Ramón Peralta, affirmed Thursday that diplomatic relations between the Dominican and US governments are currently in an excellent moment.

He said “a climate of fluid diplomatic relations and excellent communication” is the current situation between the two countries, ruled out any kind of differences.

“We want to repeat that the diplomatic and commercial relations between our country and the United States are at an excellent time and everything is going perfectly well, so there is no need to worry or harbor any fear of anything.”

He stressed that the United States continues to be the main trading partner, which “greatly contributes to the local economy through investment, remittances and tourism.”

In a National Palace press conference, Peralta added that he was unaware of conflicting positions on any issue, “and on the contrary, diplomatic and consular relations are at their best.”

On Wed. Miami based El Nuevo Herald reported Washington’s alleged discontent with Santo Domingo over that latter’s failure to tow the US line on the issues of Venezuela and the Chinese expansion in the region.

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