Economy March 12, 2019 | 8:38 am

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Push to raise minimum salary faces major hurdle

Santo Domingo.- Last month the talks in the National Salary Committee (CNS) began to seek a consensus to increase the minimum salary.

But for employees to see the increase materialize and whose percentage has yet to be established, the labor unions and the government will have to accept the enforcement of Law 187-17 that classifies companies as micro, small and medium.

The Labor Ministry, through the CNS, uses a table to set the salaries of the companies, through which establishes that the highest minimum wage, that is, the one that must be paid by the large entities, which is currently RD$15,447.60 monthly.

This salary must be paid in the companies whose facilities or stocks, or the set of both figures, equal or exceed RD$4 million.

Meanwhile, any company that has facilities or stocks, or all of them for an amount of two to four million pesos, currently must pay a salary of RD$10,620 monthly, which is the middle of the three that include the scale of the Non-Sectorized Private Sector.

The lowest of the minimum salary scale must be paid in economic units whose facilities or stocks, or all of them do not exceed two million pesos, is currently RD$9,411.60.

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