Agroalimentaria 2019 Fair spurs national production

Santo Domingo.- Special Agricultural Development Fund (FEDA), director Juan Francisco Caraballo, on Mon. stressed the importance of the “Agroalimentaria 2019” Fair and affirmed that it spurs national production and channels Government support through president Danilo Medina’s surprise visits, “making production viable and have business contact with local and international trade.”
Caraballo said that of the 24 associations that participated directly in the Agriculture-Feda stand, 10 are private companies and / or SMEs promoted by the Agriculture Ministry and the remaining 14 are projects impacted by surprise visits.
He said that nine held meetings with “very positive expectations” and estimated value over one million dollars per month for export.
Caraballo added that the sample of projects that participated directly meets all the requirements for export. “Fairs are extremely important events to establish contacts and parameters between the producer and trade, where they can demonstrate their quality and productive capacity, and also the negotiation of ideas.”