Economy May 30, 2019 | 3:04 pm

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Agriculture to build over 500 milking stations in the Northwest

Dajabón, Dominican Republic.- The minister of Agriculture, Osmar Benítez, announced Thurs. the construction of more than 500 milking stations to benefit dairy farmers of some 50 associations of the Northwest as well as the installation of solar panels on those already operating in the region.

During several meetings with farmers from Montecristi, Dajabón and Santiago Rodríguez, the official announced the acquisition of eight drilling machines to cover the demand for construction of tubular wells to deal with the dry spells that have become recurrent in the area.

He added that president Danilo Medina ordered work throughout the Dominican Republic to promote changes in livestock, such as Health, Reproduction and Genetics, Feed, Infrastructure and Marketing.

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