Dominican industrial activity rebounds in July
Santo Domingo.- Dominican industrial activity posted a notable jump in July, reflecting collective expansion throughout the composition of the Monthly Manufacturing Activity Index (IMAM), the indicator that the Dominican Republic Industries Association (AIRD), uses to assess the sector’s performance.
The AIRD said the behavior of its most important measuring instrument raised its score in July to 64.6, from 53.2 in the previous June, for a displacement 11.4 points, “which implied an improvement of 21.42 percent of manufacturing activity.”
It said that July’s behavior showed “a fairly favorable trend and positive expectations in the situation.”
“Of the five variables that make up the index, the two most important in the perception of the interviewees were sales volume and production volume,” the AIRD said in a statement.
“When IMAM remains above the 50-point threshold it reflects that the economic conditions and perspectives of the manufacturing sector are considered favorable.”