Economy September 6, 2019 | 8:17 am

Buy car in DR

Commercial exchange with Canada was US $ 1.2 billion in 2018

Shauna Hemingway, Canadian ambassador to the Dominican. ADRIANO ROSARIO / LD

Santo Domingo, RD

The Canadian ambassador to the Dominican Republic, Shauna Hemingway, said that the trade between these two countries was US $ 1.2 billion in 2018, which is why she described the binational cooperation as “excellent.”

“Our commercial exchange is going very well. This is a great contribution to the Dominican economy,” Hemingway said by announcing, together with the Foreign Minister of the Republic, Miguel Vargas Maldonado, the realization of the “Inclusive Governance” workshop that will be taught at the Convention Center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in various communities of the Country in the month of October.

Hemingway said that Canadian investment is more than US $ 7 billion in sectors such as the importation of vegetables and fruits, machinery and technologies, in addition to supporting social issues and the financial sector.


She further added that every year more than 900,000 Canadians visit the Dominican Republic, who are still interested in continuing to know the benefits of the Caribbean nation.

“I have not seen negative news in my country regarding the negative image of tourism in the Dominican Republic,” said Hemingway.

The diplomat appreciated the creation of the National Tourism Security Committee chaired by the Ministry of Tourism and integrated by the ministries of Defense, Interior and Police, Public Health and Environment with the aim of strengthening the industry that generates more currencies and has become the locomotive of the Dominican economy.

The Mirex workshops and the embassy will help the two countries “to continue collaborating to improve our policies and practices in order to benefit all our citizens.”

Vargas Maldonado said the participants will be representatives of the Government, civil society, academia, and the private sector.

Purpose The objective of the workshops is to promote the assurance of the enjoyment of public programs and initiatives that reach everyone.

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