All Dominican farms will be georeferenced
Santo Domingo.- Agriculture minister, Osmar Benítez, on Mon. said they have 250 technicians working intensively to create the Unified Agricultural Producers Registry (RUPA), and that all farms in the country are being georeferenced.
He said to speed up the collection of statistics to identify all national producers, the personnel have been provided with the necessary logistics, including the means to transport the Global Positioning System (GPS) equipment.
Benítez said that until Agriculture acquires its own electronic information system, it’s hiring local drone companies to use them in the regional offices to geo-reference farms.
“Each Regional will have drones for fumigation, remote sensing and measurement,” said the official.
“A farmer can go to Agriculture and say he wants to make a map of his farm, to fence the perimeter, and that, in addition, they make the topographical survey, and Agriculture will be able, in the Regional, to provide that service,” the official said in a press release.