Cost of a Dominican vote among region’s highest
Santo Domingo.- The resources mobilized in electoral campaigns are many and difficult to calculate, nonetheless the country has one of the region’s highest costs per voter registered.
According to data provided by the vice-dean of the Faculty of Economics of the Santo Domingo Autonomous University (UASD), Antonio Ciriaco Cruz, the cost of voting by effective elector in the last elective tournament of 2016 was US$23.00, above Mexico (US$16.00), Panama (US$8.00), El Salvador (US$5.30), Peru (US$4.50) and other countries in the region.
For the 2016 elections, Citizen Participation estimated that the Dominican vote cost US$28.77, an amount higher than Argentina, where the vote cast had a cost of 41 cents.
The citizen organization spread those US$28.77 as follows: US$21.33 cost of automation vote and budget of the Central Electoral Board (JCE) and US$7.44 for party financing.