Entities agree to bolster resilience, climate adaptation

Santo Domingo.- Representatives from the Dominican Govt., the Sur Futuro Foundation and the French Development Agency (AFD) on Mon. signed a letter of intent on Monday to strengthen resilience and climate adaptation, guarantee the sustainable use of natural resources and promote the social development of the populations adjacent to the Yaque del Sur River Basin.
The meeting, led by Vice President Margarita Cedeño, mobilized the key development actors in the country, who reaffirmed their commitment to the challenge posed by climate change.
The event held in the National Palace seeks to fulfill the commitments of the Paris Agreement, to reduce 25 percent of the country’s emissions by 2030 and its efforts to implement cleaner and more resilient economic practices, as noted during president Danilo Medina’s participation at the inaugural ceremony of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change, COP25, held in Madrid on December 2.