Economy March 20, 2020 | 11:12 am

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Closed border, tourism slump = glut of chicken, eggs

Santo Domingo.- Agriculture minister, Osmar Benítez on Friday affirmed that massive consumer products such as rice, eggs and chickens are guaranteed in the country.

He said there is enough rice to last seven months of Dominican consumption guaranteed with over 14 million tons.

Benitez said there are 17.5 million chickens. “An oversupply because the hotel sector that consumes three million pounds a month due to the coronavirus, this demand fell.”

Border trade

He said the is an oversupply of eggs due to the closed Haitian   border where there was a risk trade, so “the Dominican population has the product guaranteed.”

“The country is producing 5,000 eggs per minute, there is no fear,” said Benitez on Color Vision Channel 9.

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