Economy April 30, 2020 | 10:48 am

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For 65% of Dominicans, ‘it’s the economy stupid’

Santo Domingo.- 65% of Dominicans surveyed in a poll of 1,200 revealed feeling “dissatisfied” with the current direction of the economy. 71% of those people indicated that their personal and family economic situation has worsened for four years or more, 18% believe that it remains the same and only 11% say it has improved.

This data is published in the Market Report, which added that 72% of the respondents consider that the crisis due to the pandemic is being handled in the country in the wrong way, 26% believe that the management is correct and 2% did not respond.

When asked what they consider to be the main problem affecting the Dominican Republic today as a country, 59.3% believe that it is COVID-19, 19.8% think that unemployment, 11.1% said corruption and 9.8% said the cost of products.

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