Economy May 6, 2020 | 8:13 am

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Haitians try to enter the country in search of food

Nacionales haitianos cargan pacas de ropa atravesando el río masacre, para comercializarla durante un día de mercado en la frontera dominico haitiana entre Dajabón y la ciudad haitiana de Ouanaminthe (Juana Méndez). Dajabón, Republica Dominicana 03/03/2009 Foto : © Roberto Guzman

Dajabón.- Dozens of Haitians gather daily in their territory by the Masacre River, between Haiti and Dominican Republic, trying to enter in search of food, medicine and other products that are scarce in their country, due to the pandemic.

Meanwhile Public Health, the military, Customs and Immigration authorities reinforced the security along the border near Dajabón, to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

The shortage of food, medicine and other essential items has been exacerbated in Haitian border communities, due to the economic effects of the pandemic.

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