Economy August 14, 2020 | 9:57 am

Buy car in DR

Pay for insurance auto according to mileage

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican Republic is the first country in the Caribbean and Central America with an intelligent insurance for automobiles, where the customer pays according to the kilometers traveled, a convenient savings alternative for the pocket of Dominicans, provided by UNIT, the 100 % digital insurer pioneer in the region.

“Por Lo Que Conduces” (for what you drive) is a UNIT product that breaks with the paradigm of automobile insurance in the country, because although it includes the same coverage of a traditional “full insurance,” it has the advantage of monthly payment with amounts according to the kilometers traveled, and the possibility of reducing the bill, with discounts granted if you have had good driving habits.

In addition, it offers optional coverage of vehicle assistance and substitute car, either rented or with UBER.

UNIT service

“With this insurance solution for kilometers, we have thought of that consumer who has more and more control of their personal finances and their travels in their own vehicle, either because they drive little or because of the context of the pandemic,” said Franklin Vásquez, executive vice president of UNIT, a subsidiary of Grupo Universal.

“This is thought out insurance,” he said.

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