Economy October 3, 2020 | 8:03 am

Buy car in DR

Prices of almost all fuels rise in Dominican Republic, while LPG falls

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) will be sold at RD $ 112.80 / gl: down RD $ 1.00 per gallon. (ARCHIVE)

  • Gasoline prices rise: premium will increase 2 pesos per gallon and regular 1.30 pesos per gallon



Prices of almost all fuels rise, while LPG falls.

The prices of almost all fuels will rise from this Saturday, except LPG that will fall, and the optimal diesel remains.

For the week of October 3 to 9, the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and MSMEs provide that fuels sell at the following prices:

Premium gasoline will be sold at RD $ 207.70 per gallon, up RD $ 2.00 per gallon.

Regular Gasoline will be sold at RD $ 198.60 per gallon, up RD $ 1.30 per gallon.

Regular Gasoil will be sold at RD $ 145.40 per gallon rises RD $ 1.90 per gallon.

Optimal diesel will be sold at RD $ 156.20 per gallon, maintaining its price.

Avtur will be sold at RD $ 105.40 per gallon up RD $ 0.30 per gallon.

Kerosene will sell at RD $ 128.80 per gallon, up RD $ 0.60 per gallon.

Fuel Oil # 6 will sell RD $ 95.90 per gallon down to RD $ 0.30 per gallon.

Fuel Oil 1% S will be sold at RD $ 106.70 per gallon up RD $ 0.30 per gallon.

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) will be sold at RD $ 112.80 / gal: down RD $ 1.00 per gallon.

Natural Gas RD, $ 28.97 per cubic meter, maintains its price.

The average exchange rate weighted by the Central Bank is RD $ 58.47.

The ministry pointed out that, because the reference price of a barrel of oil experienced a rise this Wednesday in reaction to a surprise drop in the United States reserves last week, fuel prices, in the week of 3 to October 9, they will suffer a slight increase compared to the previous week.

Regular gasoline will be sold at 198.60 the premium at 207.70 for an increase of 2.00 and 1.30 pesos per gallon, respectively; While the gallon of regular diesel will rise 1.90 to be sold at 145.40 pesos, the Optimum will maintain the price of 156.20 pesos per gallon. The liquefied gas will be sold at 112.80, down 1.00 pesos per gallon.

As disclosed by the US Energy Information Administration, reserves fell by 2 million barrels last week, a surprise to analysts expecting an increase of 2 million.

West Texas Intermediate (benchmark oil) bid September goodbye with a loss in value of around 5.6% due to persistent fear over the increase in COVID-19 cases worldwide and its impact on the demand for crude.

Operators see the market becoming fragile when an increase in infections and new mobility restrictions are announced.

The economic recovery that began in previous months has slowed down in some countries, which could directly affect oil consumption. Also, while the demand for crude remains limited, the supply has increased, and the OPEC countries have opted not to modify the cuts already announced.

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