Economy October 12, 2020 | 9:46 am

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Industries say Abinader’s speech addresses crisis

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican Republic Industries Association (AIRD) on Fri. praised President Luis Abinader’s speech and indicated that it is essential to continue maintaining the willingness to listen, dialogue and agree to respond correctly to one of the country’s worst crises in the last 50 years.

AIRD president Celso Juan Marranzini said they recognize Abinader’s willingness to listen, “about the situation that the productive sectors are going through and the fundamental importance of invigorating them in order to emerge successfully from the crisis.”

“This is the worst crisis we have experienced in the last 50 years, especially if one takes into account that the global framework is also critical and that the sustained growth that the country has been showing is practically collapsing. Getting out of this situation must be everyone’s commitment. That’s why I repeat, only united can we emerge stronger. The general interest must prevail in the political decisions that have to be taken,” he said.

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