Economy October 20, 2020 | 3:02 pm

Buy car in DR

They recommend consuming other provisions in view of the high cost of plantains

The rector of the Instituto Superior de Agricultura (ISA) recommended consuming cassava, bananas, and sweet potatoes


Benito Ferreira, the rector of the Higher Institute of Agriculture (ISA), suggested that the population look for other food alternatives in the face of high plantain prices.

“Given the situation as a consequence of the pandemic, where the capacity to generate income for a significant part of the population has been decimated, it is necessary to change the eating habit,” considered Ferreira.

The educator recommended consuming cassava, bananas, sweet potato, and other food products of lower cost.

The cost of plantain is around RD$20 pesos per unit in markets in Santiago.

Benito Ferreira attributed the rise in prices of this item to different environmental conditions, such as the droughts and storms that have affected the country.

“This year we have had two hurricanes that have wiped out many plantations in plantain producing areas,” he said.

The rector of ISA indicated that the citizenry should try to consume other items until the plantain plantations can recover from these onslaughts.

Plantains are considered an essential food in the daily diet of the Dominican people. It is usually consumed at breakfast and dinner.

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