Economy October 21, 2020 | 2:58 pm

Buy car in DR

About 85 million pounds of Dominican products have been mobilized from the DR in 2020

Exports and imports were made from the AILA cargo terminal to Miami, Florida, New York, and nations on the European continent.


Santo Domingo, DR

More than 85 million pounds of Dominican products have been mobilized from the Dominican Republic by air, both for export and import to markets in the United States and Europe, according to statistics from the company Aeropuertos Dominicanos Siglo XXI (Aerodom).

These products have been mobilized through the cargo area of the International Airport of the Americas (AILA) in the last nine months of this year.

According to the data provided, in the period from January to September 2020, some 15.1 million pounds were mobilized through the cargo terminal of Las Americas to Miami, the United States, and European countries.

Products and countries

Exports and imports were made from the AILA cargo terminal to Miami, Florida, New York, and nations on the European continent of agricultural items, vegetables, flowers, fruits, tobacco, and various things to the U.S. and European markets.

The figure represented an increase of 4.3 percent compared to the same period last year 2019 when 89 million pounds of merchandise had been transported.

According to the concessionaire company’s data, from six of the leading national airports, the most massive flow of exports of various agricultural items, vegetables, and fruits from the country, to the outside is registered to the city of Miami, United States.

Internet shopping

Regularly, according to the data offered, from the United States, the orders of national products, the companies do it via Internet or Courier from and to Miami. These represent most of the traffic of merchandise.

The United States is considered the leading economic partner of the Dominican Republic in terms of commercial exchange. Both countries exceeded US$13.8 billion in 2018, according to a report by the National Statistics Office (ONE).

Of the total commercial exchange between both nations in 2018, 37.55% corresponded to Dominican exports to the United States and 62.45% to the Dominican Republic’s imports from that country.

During the closing of the air and land borders, and with it the suspension of commercial passenger flights, cargo movement through the Caucedo terminal continued to decrease.

Despite the sanitary restriction measures established to prevent the expansion of COVID-19, US airlines such as Delta Airlines and United Airlines, JetBlue, and American Airlines transported cargo to Miami, New York, and other US cities.

Other Products

Some of the cargo airlines operating in the terminal at a particular time and, given the increase in exports, had to rent aircraft to meet these products’ transportation demands, which are in great need in the U.S. market.

These operations are also transferred exports of textiles and clothing, handicrafts, and other items made in the companies established in the Dominican territory free zones.

Before the export departures, the cargoes have to pass a process of inspection and regulation by personnel of the General Directorate of Customs (DGA), the National Directorate of Drug Control (DNCD), and the Ministry of Agriculture established in the cargo area of the referred terminal.

The United States is the country’s leading commercial partner; therefore, it concentrates the most massive export volume. However, thousands of pounds of fruits and vegetables and flowers are also exported to the European market, such as Spain, France, Holland, and other European nations.

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