Most fuels increase, while regular gasoline decreases

Regular gasoline will sell at 191.70, one peso less than last week, while the price of premium will be 204.30, an increase of 1.90 pesos per gallon.
The Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and Mipymes (MICM) reported that fuels would suffer a slight increase, except for regular gasoline, for the week of Saturday 21 to Friday 27 November, motivated by the easing of the confinement and the increase in Mobility. Consequently, the reference oil barrel increased this week by 3.5% compared to last week, dragging down fuel prices.
Therefore, for the week of November 21 to 27, the MICM has ordered that regular gasoline be sold at 191.70, one peso less than last week; premium to 204.30, for an increase of 1.90 pesos per gallon; while a gallon of regular diesel will rise 2.00, to trade at 151.60, and Optimum at 162.30, rising 2.30 pesos per gallon. Lastly, liquefied gas will be dispensed at 117.20, increasing by 1.20 pesos per gallon.
Global context
Investor optimism in the oil market over the announcement of the COVID-19 vaccine has boosted the demand outlook, prompting two weeks of sharp increases in crude price. This impressive rally comes from the belief that the worst of this highly cyclical segment of the market is over. The successful trials of vaccines to combat the COVID-19 pandemic have restored full economic activity expectations, boosting demand for energy products.
For the moment, investors have their expectations placed on the weekly data of the reserves that the United States government will release this week, which analysts estimate in an increase of 10,000 barrels of crude and about 300,000 barrels of gasoline, with a fall of 1.8 million distillates.
The outlook for oil and gasoline has steadily improved in the last three weeks before hopes for the COVID-19 vaccine. Depending on US crude price and following the weekly report from the Energy Information Administration on reserves, prices could move towards a third consecutive week of gains.
For the week of November 21 to 27, the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and MSMEs provide that fuels be sold at the following prices:
Premium gasoline will be sold at RD $ 204.30 per gallon, up RD $ 1.90 per gallon.
Regular Gasoline will be sold at RD $ 191.70 per gallon down RD $ 1.00 per gallon.
Regular diesel will be sold at RD $ 151.60 per gallon, up RD $ 2.00 per gallon.
Optimal diesel will be sold at RD $ 162.30 per gallon, up RD $ 2.30 per gallon.
Avtur will be sold at RD $ 113.50 per gallon up RD $ 2.20 per gallon.
Kerosene will sell for RD $ 137.80 per gallon, up RD $ 2.50 per gallon.
Fuel Oil # 6 will be sold at RD $ 103.40 per gallon up RD $ 4.00 per gallon.
Fuel Oil 1% S will be sold at RD $ 111.50 per gallon, maintaining its price.
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) will be sold at RD $ 117.20 / gl: it rises RD $ 1.20 per gallon.
Natural Gas RD, $ 28.97 per cubic meter, maintains its price.
The average exchange rate is RD $ 58.45, according to a survey carried out by the Central Bank.