Economy November 24, 2020 | 11:34 am

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New mine chief’s pledge: 2.1M Oz. of gold by yearend 2024

Barrick DR

Santo Domingo.- New-appointed Mining Minister, Rolando Muñoz, on Tue. promised to speed up the permits and raise the country’s production to two million ounces of gold.

Muñoz, upon being sworn in, said that by yearend 2024 the country should be producing 2.1 million ounces of gold, “as long as it is provided the necessary support for small and large mining companies in the country.”

‘’We are going to do a new mining, based on the principles of environmental laws, where we will create a work team to fulfill the commitment of our government program,” he said.

The official added that one of the Government’s goals for mining is to provide facilities for people who extract aggregates to do so outside the riverbeds.

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