Economy February 18, 2021 | 7:59 am

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Mission NYC looks to drum up Dominican business

New York.- A trade and multisector mission from the Dominican Republic paid a visit to New York City, to promote local products and encourage increased exports to the city.

The delegation, chaired by ProDominicana director, Biviana Riveiro, held business meetings and exchanges with business leaders residing in the Big Apple.

Dominican consul in New York, Eligio Jáquez, said the visit aims to strengthen commercial relationships, detecting business opportunities and place Dominican products abroad.

For her part, Riveiro said, “this type of mission goes a long way to consolidate relationships, but also to open new markets. Undoubtedly, these actions will mark the beginning of new Dominican export businesses, because we know that to make the Dominican Republic an exporting country, we must support MSMEs to become export companies.”

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