Economy February 19, 2021 | 10:25 am

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Reopen schools, ensure the country’s competitiveness

Santo Domingo.- The Young Entrepreneurs Association (ANJE) on Fri. said that ensuring the country’s competitiveness requires the gradual return of students to educational centers, under a hybrid model that allows to combine face-to-face with health protocols, as has worked in other countries

ANJE president, Susana Martínez Nadal, affirmed that the prolonged interruption in face-to-face education will have an important effect on Dominican human capital and competitiveness as a country in the medium and long term. “It’s necessary to prioritize return to the classrooms.

Martínez said research by international organizations has shown that the impact of the closure of schools on the quality of learning will be significant, being worse the longer the closure of classrooms is prolonged.

“The reopening of schools should be a central part of the discussion and planning for the comprehensive management of the crisis and economic recovery.”

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