Central American Bank donates US $ 1 million to the Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo, DR
The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) approved US$1 million in non-reimbursable cooperation for the Dominican Republic.
The financial organization indicated that US$500,000 would be destined to support the Dominican Government’s efforts to assist the affected population after the passage of tropical storm Laura in August 2020.
“With this cooperation, the Government will continue to execute actions to attend to the affected communities, as part of the reconstruction and rehabilitation program of the @MDefensaRD and the @PresidenciaRD,” states a communication published by CABEI.
The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) detailed that they approved an additional US$500,000 to continue supporting the Government with the strategy to contain and prevent COVID-19 while continuing with the vaccination plan for front-line personnel, as determined by the authorities.
CABEI highlighted its commitment as a financial institution to continue supporting the countries’ efforts in 2021 to confront the crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Contribution of resources
Between 2015 and 2019, CABEI approved US$503.6 million for the Dominican Republic. These resources were allocated US$349.6 million for the public sector and US$154 million for the private sector.
In December 2020, CABEI opened a representative office in the country. Currently, in terms of credit, CABEI stands out for the financing of US$249.6 million for the Monte Grande dam, phase III.