Economy March 31, 2021 | 1:28 pm

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Pro Consumidor to increase inspections after Easter

Santo Domingo.– The executive director of the Consumer Protection Agency (Pro Consumidor), Eddy Alcántara, paid a courtesy visit to the National Police director, Major General Edward Sánchez, with the purpose that both institutions work together in the processes of inspections.

According to a statement released to the press today, Alcántara announced that he formally requested the general director of the Police his collaboration so that the personnel who work in the inspection operations at businesses nationwide are accompanied by officers from this entity, in order to continue to efficiently guarantee the rights of consumers.

“Starting next Monday, April 5, the inspection processes will be expanded throughout the national territory to guarantee the rights of consumers,” he said.

He thanked Edward Sánchez for his receptivity and spirit of cooperation in seeking to provide assistance to his institution, to meet the needs that arise in the checks carried out by Pro Consumidor to establishments and businesses.

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