Punta Rucia businessmen ask Attorney General’s Office to protect their property rights

Santo Domingo, D.R.
The Pro-Development Association of Punta Rucia, in Villa Isabela, requested the intervention of the Attorney General of the Republic, Miriam German, to make the process of revision of the boundaries of the lands of the municipality of Punta Rucia transparent. The revision will be carried out by surveyors from May 12 to 14, on the instructions of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of this province.
In a meeting, the spokesman of the entity, Juan Duran Bisonó, denounced that the invasion of lands by unscrupulous people affects more than 150 owners who have their legal titles, and showed his concern because this bad practice puts the tourist development of the zone where there are also foreign investors at risk,
“We request the intervention of the Attorney General’s Office and the Regional Directorate of Cadastral Measurement, so that the transparency and legality of the inspection of these properties can be determined and the State can guarantee the investments made in the area,” he said.
The Pro-Development Association of Punta Rucia also called on the National Police and the Specialized Tourism Security Corps (Cestur) to be alert to these malicious initiatives.
“Our area has an enormous tourist potential, with a high level of both local and international investors and the result of the situation of unrest and the lack of guarantee of the properties endangers the climate of legal security and the development of the community,” indicated Bisonó.
The Pro-Development Association of Punta Rucia, in Villa Isabela, Puerto Plata, is made up of legitimate owners who do not want to see their land usurped by people who do not have documents that guarantee them as legitimate owners.