Economy May 28, 2021 | 12:16 pm

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Dominican Republic staple prices soar 36.91%: merchants

Santo Domingo.- Dominican Republic National Merchants and Entrepreneurs Council (Conacerd) on Fri. said essential services MSMEs are going through very difficult times and, so far in 2021, they have endured the rise in prices of staples by more than 36.91%, which has caused sales to drop by 33.5% throughout the country.

According to the president of Conacerd, Antonio Cruz Rojas, the behavior is the result of the high prices of the products and due to the lack of purchasing power of the lower class and the middle sectors of the country.

In a statement, Cruz said they polled their partners in the 32 provinces to evaluate the rise in the prices of the products most demanded by the popular population and average consumers, which presented the following behavior in terms of which goes from this year 2021:

The variety of soybean oils has increased four times this year of 33.5%, retail rice 22.5%, sugars 14%, pork 54%, all canned grains of recognized brands 36.6% and liquid milk up to 9%.

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