Economy May 31, 2021 | 8:30 am

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Dominican economy recovers 77% of the jobs lost

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican economy needs to add just under 122,000 jobs to recover the number of formal employees of  February 2020, before the impact of the pandemic on the country.

In February 2020, the Social Security Treasury (TSS) registered 2,122,037 workers, a figure that decreased in the following months, reaching its lowest level in May of that same year, when the number stood at 1,593,310 employees, due to the paralysis of economic activities to curb the spread of the virus.

However, as of June, the economy began to recover part of the jobs lost and at the end of April 2021 the TSS had 2,000,040 contributors, which shows that to reach the level of February 2020, only 121,997 jobs need to be added.

From the end of February 2020 to May of the same year, 528,727 formal jobs were lost in the country, according to the institution’s statistics, 406,730 jobs have been recovered since then, equivalent to 77% of the total lost.

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