Economy June 30, 2021 | 2:55 pm

Buy car in DR

Central Bank suggests salary increase to compensate for the cost of the basic food basket

Santo Domingo

The Central Bank governor assured this Tuesday that for the salary readjustment, an increase in line with the cost of the essential basics for a family grocery basket must be well considered.

“I have always been totally identified with the fact that salaries have fallen somewhat behind,” said Héctor Valdez Albizu when he recalled that the National Salaries Committee (CNS) would meet to discuss the salary issue in July.

He added that he thinks that when talking about salaries, the Dominican Republic is already two years behind, “one that fell” (due to the pandemic) and “one that is walking.”

Valdez Albizu said that he hopes that when the CNS meets, it will weigh the situation. However, as he will probably be invited to participate, he will maintain his position that the sectors that need to face the issue should be compensated.


The Central Bank governor indicated that citizens should make an effort to vaccinate themselves, since it does nothing to curb one problem (such as wages and the rise) and have another (the pandemic), besides the fact that this has repercussions tourism sector.

“Everyone who can has to get vaccinated and make the effort. That is an issue that has to be solved and we have the other issue of prices that affects wages, but they will gradually go down in interannual terms as of July,” he added.

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