Economy September 22, 2021 | 10:19 am

Buy car in DR

Biggest bank adds US$4.8M to finance E-cars

Santo Domingo.- The Banco Popular Dominicano commemorated the second anniversary of its adherence to the Principles of Responsible Banking (PBR) of the United Nations, informing that, within the framework of this commitment, it has already granted more than RD$815 million (US$4.8 million) in financing for electric and hybrid vehicles, within its portfolio of green finance Go Eco.

So far the bank has financed a total of 285 eco units for families and individuals and has signed 28 green leasing contracts for the purchase of sustainable vehicles for companies.

The financial institution is the first bank in the insular Caribbean and the only Dominican to be part of the PBR, an alliance of the global financial system that was launched in 2019 and has more than 240 banks in the world, whose assets total more than US$60 trillion.

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