No support for bitcoin, Dominican Central Bank

Santo Domingo.- The Central Bank (BC) warned the population that the different types of cryptocurrencies and virtual currencies and assets that are being promoted in the country’s digital media do not have the support of that institution or the authorization of the Monetary Board for its issuance and use as a means of payment to carry out transactions of any kind.
The monetary and financial institution said that among cryptocurrencies there is an allusion to national symbols (which could confuse citizens), but that they do not have the legal course or the liberating force of public or private obligations throughout the national territory.
It indicated that it has been closely observing the global evolution of the use and behavior of virtual assets, such as Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum, as well as the recent appearance of some of these in the Dominican market, through social networks and reports on its spread in some media.
Crypto currency World Wide adoption started, it is the future and the present