Highest average salary in August was RD$61,465 (US$1,078)

Santo Domingo, DR.
The highest average monthly salary per worker registered by the Dominican Social Security System (SDSS) in August of this year amounted to RD$61,465.80 but in the subsector of “Exploitation of Mines and Quarries,” which only reaches 0.32% (6,887) of the total number of workers registered in the Social Security Treasury (2,081,399).
According to the data provided by the SDSS Labor Outlook and the TSS collection statistics, this is followed by “Financial Intermediation, Insurance and Others,” which reflects an average monthly salary of RD$46,965.60 and contains 83,457 workers, 3.93% of the total.
According to economists and labor market experts, average salaries are an intermediate balance between the highest and the lowest salary paid in an economic sector.
In the Public Administration, which concentrates 542,638 workers, the average salary in August 2021 was RD$34,698.10, and in the Communications sector, it reached RD$34,008.70.
These last two subsectors belong to the Services sector, which concentrates the most significant number of formal employees generated by the Dominican economy, representing 81.11% of the total number of workers registered in the TSS (1,681,202). Within this sector, the four subsectors with the highest participation are public administration (25.93%), commerce (16.34%), other services (14.28%), and hotels, bars, and restaurants (7.12%).
Lowest average
The lowest average salary is located in the Hotels, Bars and Restaurants subsector with a value of RD$14,993.6, followed in agriculture by the Traditional Crops subsector with RD$16,216.4, while in Livestock, Forestry and Fishing it was RD$21,905.2, in Agricultural Services RD$17,278.3.
In the industry, average salaries are around RD$25,811.00. In Manufacturing RD$25,358.9 and Construction RD$23,891.7.
In the Hotels, Bars, and Restaurants subsector, the average monthly salary was RD$14,993.6, the lowest of all the subsectors.
In the industrial sector, average salaries are around RD$25,811.00.