Economy October 26, 2021 | 10:14 am

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Abinader to address tax hike Wed.

J. I. Paliza

Santo Domingo.- President Luis Abinader will address the country on Wednesday to establish his position on the tax reform, with the aim of reassuring the population about the much debated issue at the national level.

This was announced by José Ignacio Paliza, administrative minister of the Presidency and president of the Modern Revolutionary Party, who assured that the president will address important issues with, “the best interests of the country in mind and will respond to the concerns that the population may have about the tax reform.”

He assured that through a radio, television and social networks the president will refer to the proposals of different sectors of society about the Tax Reform.

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October 26, 2021 11:00 am

In other words:

We’re going to spin the largest tax hike in Dominican history, and we don’t care of the negative consequences. Our Debt-holding Overlords require it, so we must comply, just like vaxxx mandates.

To the People of the Dominican Republic, hear us: WE. DO. NOT. CARE. Not about you. We only care about The Overlord demands.

Did I get that right, Comrade Powers?