Dominican Republic’s debt soars in 2021

Santo Domingo.-The non-financial public sector debt of the Dominican Republic would culminate in 2021, exceeding by more than US$3.0 billion the total indebtedness that it registered during the entire previous year.
The statistics of the General Directorate of Public Credit show that, between January and November last year, the Dominican State accumulated new debts for US$2.9 billion, in relation to the amount owed in 2020.
The figure establishes that the government borrowed, on average, US$272.4 billion per month from January to November last year.
Until last November, the commitments of the non-financial public sector totaled US$47.6 billion, an increase of 6.7% compared to the US$44.6 billion that Dominicans owed in 2020.
Some day the bill is going to come due. This is when the country will be most vulnerable to foreign countries, opportunists who will offer to bail out the RD for concessions (favors) that will threaten the sovereignty of the country.