Economy January 12, 2022 | 7:18 am

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Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Panama: key US trading partners

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican Republic, Costa Rica and Panama seek to become key trading partners of the United States, taking advantage of the reconfiguration of global supply chains.

The three Latin American countries detailed yesterday in a discussion in the Wilson Center’s Latin American program their objectives to promote democratic strengthening and economic growth.

Roberto Álvarez, Minister of Foreign Relations of the Dominican Republic, focused his participation on nearshoring and affirmed that the countries of the Alliance for Development in Democracy have much to offer the United States.

“The three countries: Costa Rica, Panama and the Dominican Republic have much to offer the United States as allies to strengthen this fundamental supply chain,” Alvarez said

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Paul Tierney
January 12, 2022 8:20 am

This is chapter two, Key Trading Partners, of the Alliance for Development in Democracy. The first chapter revealed five days ago was an agreement to develop a tourist circuit between the nations.

These agreements do benefit the three countries. Suggest it is part of an agenda by the US to help nations whose politics are allied toward this northern neighbor.