Economy February 15, 2022 | 7:14 am

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Dominican Republic again eyes taxing digital services

Santo Domingo.- For the third time in three years, the Dominican Government again proposes the establishment of taxes on digital services that are used or contracted from service providers not domiciled or resident in the Dominican Republic.

On this occasion, it seeks to promote the initiative through the project of “Regulation that regulates the procedure for the application of ITBIS to digital services captured in the Dominican Republic and that are provided by foreign providers,” for which calls to a public discussion.

According to the notice published in paid space, the General Directorate of Internal Taxes (DGII) convenes, together with the Legal Consultancy of the Executive Branch, “all interested persons to make their comments, observations and suggestions.”

Indicates that the digital version of the legislation is available on the DGII website ( in the “Publications” category and on the website of the Executive Power Legal Consultancy, .

It explains that the observations, recommendations and suggestions may be made in writing, “accompanied by the supporting documents, and sent to the email iconsultoriajuridica@com.”

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Drain The Swamp
February 16, 2022 12:57 pm

It explains that the observations, recommendations and suggestions may be made in writing, “accompanied by the supporting documents, and sent to the email iconsultoriajuridica@com.”

Can’t even spell out an email address properly. How can anyone take these clowns seriously?