Biggest Dominican bank is ‘best to invest’

Santo Domingo. Banco Popular Dominicano was recognized by the financial magazine Global Finance as the best investment bank in the Dominican Republic, for the fourth time, highlighting its strength in this branch of the banking business dedicated to managing large investment projects, both private as public, with a special long-term vocation.
The American magazine has bestowed this award to Banco Popular in 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2022 and, in its recent editorial note, underlines the importance of investment banking in the process of economic recovery from COVID-19, highlighting how relevant it is to have banking entities that are experts in this type of large-scale operations.
In this sense, the publication points out that the winners of the Best Investment Bank award meet criteria of excellence in categories such as market share, amount and number of operations carried out, services and advice, structuring capacity, innovation, price, reputation and performance, among other aspects.
I look at this picture of the people working at the country’s biggest bank, the people who they want to put out front as representing their brand. These people do not represent the true demographics of the Dominican Republic. No dark skinned Dominicans are qualified to work at this bank in high positions? This picture portrays the sickness that well defines the Dominican Republic. Racism, so entrenched, so embedded, it defies the age we are all in and the year 2022.
I also noticed the xery same thing! So sad.
Please, only 13% of dominicans are black, everyone in the picture is mixed, like 70% of out population.
Unfortunately, many dominican companies seem to put light skinned people in grand positions while relegating their darker compatriots. Go to Refidomsa for example. Security desk – dark skinned. Cafeteria staff – dark skinned. The young lady who pushes the coffee cart around the offices – dark skinned. The majority of the administration, light skinned. It’s like walking into a 1940’s movie. And guess what, I am a light skinned person, but sick is sick and times have changed.